IV106 Bionformatics seminar
359 words
2 mins read
The theme of this semester is deep learning and integrative data analysis. Please join us for the talks below, either in person or using the MSTeams platform. Contact cechova @ fi.muni.cz or lexa @ fi.muni.cz for additional information.
16.2. 4 PM
Introduction to the seminar
Intro to the Bioinformatics Student Seminar Series (Students Only)
23.2. 4 PM
Invited Talk
Dr. Sebastian Cristian Treitli
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, BIOCEV, Czechia
Write twice, run once. How code implementation can ruin your results.
2.3. 4 PM
Dr. Janka Puterova and Jan Kotrs
Invited Talk
DNAnexus, Czechia
Powering the Genomics Revolution - In the Cloud
9.3. 4 PM
Invited Talk
Dr. Eva Budinska
Integrative bioinformatics and biostatistics, RECETOX, Czechia
Microbiome taxonomy assignment - when 16S rRNA outperforms WMGS metagenomics
16.3. 4 PM
Invited Talk
Dr. Vojtěch Bystrý
Bioinformatics Core Facility, CEITEC MU, Czechia
NGS applications in molecular medicine
23.3. 4 PM
Invited Talk
Dr. Panagiotis Alexiou
Centre for Molecular Medicine, CEITEC MU, Czechia
Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transformers to model Ago mediated small RNA targeting
30.3. 4 PM
Invited Talk
Dr. Molly Hall
Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Penn State, USA
Modeling and analyzing complex relationships in biological big data
6.4. 4 PM
FI MU Journal Club
Michaela Hanajikova: Deng et al. (2022). Rapid and accurate identification of ribosomal RNA sequences via deep learning.
Samuel Šuľan: Guzetta et al. (2010). A machine learning pipeline for quantitative phenotype prediction from genotype data.
Student presentations (Students Only)
13.4. 4 PM
FI MU Journal Club
Student presentations
20.4. 4 PM
No meeting this week.
27.4. 4 PM
FI MU Journal Club.
Marie Kratka: Amato et al. (2020). CORENup: a combination of convolutional and recurrent deep neural networks for nucleosome positioning identification.
David Cechak: Rao et al. 2021. MSA Transformer.
Student presentations (Students Only)
4.5. 4 PM
FI MU Journal Club.
Vlastimil Martinek: Ji et al. (2021). DNABERT: pre-trained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers model for DNA-language in genome.
Student presentations (Students Only)
11.5. 4 PM
Invited Talk (moved from 20.4.)
Dr. Emmanuelle Lerat
Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, France
Transposable element annotation and analysis in -omic data
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Authored By MC and ML
Bioinformatics Group at FI MU. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.